Study Tips for Online Classes
Explore our collection of useful strategies and tips for studying for online classes. Advance your career and earn your MBA degree online today!

Study Tips for Online Classes
For a person busy with work and life, the ability to be able to study online to earn your degree can be a game-changer. By studying online, you save driving time, and it gives you the chance to study when and where you want. Still, by knowing the best strategies for studying online, you can make sure that the difficulties of distance learning don’t sneak up on you. Check out the following tips for online study to help you excel in your online classes.
Online Classes have Flexible Coursework but Still Demand Attention
The first thing most people think about as they contemplate studying online is the freedom to study anywhere, wherever you have internet access. But while it’s true, you won’t be driving to campus having to try to fit classes into your busy work – it’s important to remember that obtaining a degree online is still a time commitment. You should be ready to designate somewhere between around 25 hours per work for study and coursework.
Practice Self-Discipline
Because you’ll be taking classes and studying online as a self-sufficient student, strong self-discipline is an absolute must for success. While avoiding a commute is great, many online learners grapple without the accountability of a classroom. Be ready to set goals, and recognize that you will be the only one to hold yourself accountable to them.
Structure Your Time
On that note, to hold yourself accountable, many former students suggest making a schedule, but not just for your classes. Schedule everything in one place: your class schedule, your work calendar, personal time, and anything else you need to account for. Just because you’re studying online doesn’t mean your own life needs to suffer; it just means you have to be deliberate about scheduling your days and the activities that are the most essential to your life.
Prepare for Online Learning Styles
Studying online doesn’t rely on the traditional lecture model in quite the same way that conventional classroom learning does. You’ll want to prepare yourself to employ a mixture of learning modalities: video lectures, group projects, discussion boards, and interactive dashboards. Be aware of what works best for you, but also be ready to set aside additional time to study and complete assignments.
Get Comfortable With Your Technology
You know you’ll be studying online, so find a way to access the course materials that is suitable for you, and that can quickly become familiar (if it’s not already). If you happen to buy new equipment for your online classes, such as a computer, make sure to know your way around the latest technology before classes start. Learning your course content will be hard enough without trying to learn the complexities and quirks of a new computer at the same time.
Life Will Get in the Way
No matter how well you strategize studying online to ensure it will fit into your schedule, know that things will surely get better. While you cannot fully anticipate all of life’s circumstances, you can prepare intellectually and emotionally for life to present obstacles. Work hard to maintain your schedule, but give yourself forgiveness if you need to rewatch a lecture or pull the rare all-nighter to keep on the right track.
Get Support for Your Online Classes
Self-reliance is a great goal, but it’s also necessary to enlist aid as needed. Let your family and friends know your plans for studying online, and ask them to provide both accountability and support. Reach out to your classmates, too, many of them will be in the same boat as you—just because you’re not sharing a traditional classroom doesn’t mean you can’t share your challenges. And don’t forget to talk to your employer – they will surely be supportive of your journey, and they may offer some much-needed professional flexibility, or even tuition compensation, to help you achieve your new goals.
Don’t Lose Sight of Online Education Goals
Before your classes begin, record all of the reasons you chose to pursue your Online MBA. Whether it’s to get a raise, to make your entrepreneurial goals come true, or to give yourself a better chance at getting selected for a new job, your motivation is tied to your MBA success. When all else fails, come back to your list of reasons to remind yourself and that it will be worth it in the end.
Our Featured MBA Programs!
To help you get started – we have compiled a list of some of the top online programs. Earn while you learn and gain the education you need to back your experience and advance your career.